5 Effective Yoga Poses to Gain Weight Fast

Your social media is filled with body transformation photos showing how someone lost so many kilograms in a short period. However, the fact is, being underweight has its own set of problems. You are considered underweight if your BMI is below 18.5.


Many health risks including weakened immunity are linked to being underweight. In many cases, people are underweight because of their genes. However, in others, it is due to lack of nutrition, improper absorption of nutrition, and adequate physical activity. You need to change your diet to eat more nutritious food to gain weight.


If you are unable to get rid of the thin frame even after eating right, then you should try yoga. In this bestyogashop premium article, we will tell you about yoga for weight gain, the benefits of yoga to increase weight, and weight gain asanas.


What Happens When You Are Underweight?

some people might be underweight genetically, others are probably under the mark because they don’t get the required nutrients to remain in the pink of health. These nutrients are not reaching where they should because of the lack of consumption or improper absorption. Your immune system takes a hit. You will find it difficult to fight infections and illness. It will be particularly hard for you to heal after surgery or trauma if an adequate amount of nutrients is not available to rebuild or repair the tissues. You will also be more prone to flu and pneumonia.


How does yoga help you gain weight?

Yoga resolve problems like stress, poor metabolism, lack of appetite, and digestive issues. It also helps in stabilizing weight. Yoga is the key to all your problems. It stimulates the circulation of blood and oxygen. It also strengthens the muscles and makes you strong and flexible.


#1. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining butterfly pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana or the reclining butterfly pose is an effective asana to gain weight. This improves digestion and calms your mind. You will be able to control your body. It will also help relieve stress.

How To Do It – Start by sitting on your mat with your legs straight in front of you. Now, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Slowly, lean back and lie down on your back. Keep the soles of your feet together and your hand at your sides. Breathe deeply and relax. Hold this position for about five minutes and then return to the original position.


#2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

It helps in problems related to indigestion and also nourishes the blood flow in the brain. It can also be considered as an efficacious posture to increase muscle strength. To perform this pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.


#3. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose, Thunderbolt Pose)

Vajrayana is the only asana that can be done immediately after a meal. It works on the digestive system and helps to maintain the metabolism. This asana also calms the mind and relaxes the body.

How To Do It – Place your thighs on your calf muscles as sit flat backward. Now focus and breathe. It will be prudent to place a yoga mat or yoga blanket under the shins so that one can spend a few minutes in this posture without much discomfort.


#4. Bhujangasana (Variation) Also, Known As – Cobra Pose

The Bhujangasana works on the posterior as well as the anterior part of the digestive system, thereby improving appetite, regulating metabolism, and also removing blockages. The reproductive system is also stimulated. When you stretch and open up your heart, your breathing improves. There are better blood circulation and nutrient absorption.

How To Do It – Lie flat on your stomach, with your legs stretched out, and the feet facing down. Place your elbows by your side. Then, lift your chest, placing the bodyweight not only on the elbows but on the entire forearms. Inhale deeply, and exhale strongly


#5. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

If you are the master of stability and power, here is a yoga pose that would boost hunger and make you feel energetic. This pose helps in getting muscle mass and also aids the effects of thyroid glands on your body! Go for this asana and battle the hunger issues. You will surely feel energetic and would gain weight after constantly following this workout!

How To Do It – To perform the Sarvangasana pose, you first need to lie down on the floor, make sure that your legs are together and your palms face the ground. Then, lift your hips while inhaling at the same time. The third step is to raise your legs initially to about 30 degrees and then to 90 degrees and slowly take your back off the ground with the help of your hands.


The third step is to initially raise your legs to about 30 degrees, then to 90 degrees, and slowly take your back off the ground with your hands. Hold for 5-8 counts on this position, and then slowly return to your initial position. Initially repeat this 4-5 times.


Note: Losing or gaining weight should be the motive for staying fit and healthy. Along with the yoga regime, diet also plays a significant role. One should eat a diet that contains more calories to gain weight. However, healthy food sources containing essential nutrients such as proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals should add these additional calories. In short, a balanced diet.


Also Read: 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Yoga

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