5 Yoga Poses You Can Try During Menstruation Period

While the basics of menstruation are shared in common, each person experiences their period differently. Though most would agree that it’s not the most enjoyable time of each month. Here Bestyogashop Bringing 5 Best Yoga Poses You Can try During Menstruation for a Healthier, Happier Period.


#1 Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Since the lower half of the body often feels heavy during menstruation, seated poses will be our focus. You may stay in each pose for up to several minutes, as is common in restorative classes.

Baddha Konasana—The Cobbler’s Pose—opens the pelvic region. For a more restorative version, come into a forward bend using a bolster or several folded blankets to support your torso so you can relax more.

#2 Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This posture has a great calming effect on our daily yoga practice, and the same applies while menstruating.

To invite even more of a restorative pose, I suggest you practice with a yoga bolster or a couple of pillows. This will release pressure on the pelvic area and any weight on the uterus, and also help alleviate cramps.

Practice These Yoga Poses During Menstruation for a Healthier, Happier Period

#3 Child’s Pose – Balasana

Yoga isn’t just about external flexibility. The impact of many poses also benefits your organs, acting as a sort of internal massage. Child’s pose does this by flexing your reproductive organs, as well as releasing tension in your back, shoulders, and neck. If you’re among the masses of uterus owners who feel achy in the muscles and joints during menstruation, you’ll love this simple pose. Stay in it as long as you want—the calming effects it has on your mind are just as beneficial as the relaxation your body will feel.

#4 Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend – Upavistha Konasana

Speaking of mind-calming poses, wide-angle seated forward bend (that’s a mouthful) is where it’s at. On your period or not, stretch into this pose when the stress of life is getting to you. Like with every other pose, the benefits aren’t singular. This forward bend helps to stimulate your abdominal organs, leading to less painful cramps (both in the short and long-term).

#5 Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Our final yoga poses for period relief of our practice, and one not to be missed!

Along with the many benefits of Savasana, taking Savasana on your period gives you the opportunity to relax the abdominal and vaginal muscles as well as relieve cramps while bringing a sense of wellness and restoration to the entire mind and body.

Also Read: Common YOGA Mistakes & How to Fix The

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