#9 Amazing Health Benefits of Yoga

Maintaining a regular yoga practice can provide physical and mental health benefits. Here Bestyogashop featuring 9 Amazing health Benefits of yoga.


#1. Yoga helps you to make healthier life choices.

There is a story in yoga about the student who asked their yoga teacher whether their smoking habit would interfere with their yoga. The teacher smiled and replied. “No, but your yoga will interfere with your smoking.” Whether or not that was the case, one of the great things about yoga is that it helps you to tune into what your body wants and needs. Many people find that the acceptance and self-love that they practice on the yoga mat can have a profound impact to the way they treat their bodies off the mat, whether that is through improved activity levels. better nutritional choices or reduced reliance on alcohol or tobacco.


#2. Yoga increases your flexibility.

Flexible Yoga

This is why many people start yoga, and it’s certainly a great benefit of yoga practice. Yoga postures and sequences help to increase the body’s range of motion. The mindful approach of yoga helps to ensure that stretching is done safely, allowing the nervous system to release the muscles into gentle, effective stretches. This reduces the risk of injuring ligaments and tendons, which can occur through more aggressive approaches to flexibility training. Releasing tension in the muscles can also help them to relax and let go, helping your body to open up more.


#3. Yoga encourages your body’s natural healing process.

The body has an incredible ability to heal itself, given the appropriate conditions. Yoga practice can be a wonderful way to create an environment which allows the body’s innate healing powers to kick in. In part this is due to the effects of mindfulness on the immune system, increasing the body’s ability to fight disease and restore health. The strengthening and lengthening effects of yoga can improve mobility and function, helping the body to recover from physical injury. And the benefits for mental health can lead to improved sleep patterns and enhanced wellbeing, greatly improving your quality of life.


#4. Yoga Builds muscle strength

Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility.


#5. Weight loss

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You don’t have to practice Hot Yoga or be able to bend double in a yoga pose to lose weight. An everyday gentle yoga practice will fuel the metabolic system and will help burn fat, leading to weight loss. Daily yoga can also help restore the hormonal balance in your body, which can normalize your body weight.


#6. Sleep better

Are you coping with so much stress that it’s keeping you awake at night? Studies have shown that practicing daily yoga can reduce insomnia.

When experiencing insomnia, practice relaxing asanas or postures, such as forward fold (Uttanasana) or lying on your back with your feet up the wall.


#7. Yoga Improve concentration

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Yoga poses and meditation require you to concentrate on your breathing. This process of observing your breath calms your mind and makes you more mentally relaxed. As a result of this mental stability, you’ll able to recollect and retain more information. Meditating for just a few minutes in the morning can result in better concentration throughout the day.

#8. Yoga Helps keep you drug free

If your medicine cabinet looks like a pharmacy, maybe it’s time to try yoga. Studies of people with asthma, high blood pressure, Type II diabetes (formerly called adult-onset diabetes), and obsessive-compulsive disorder have shown that yoga helped them lower their dosage of medications and sometimes get off them entirely. The benefits of taking fewer drugs? You’ll spend less money, and you’re less likely to suffer side effects and risk dangerous drug interactions.


#9. Yoga Improves Quality of Life

Yoga is becoming increasingly common as an adjunct therapy to improve quality of life for many individuals.

In one study, 135 seniors were assigned to either six months of yoga, walking or a control group. Practicing yoga significantly improved quality of life.

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    Amazing Benefits of Hollow Foam Rollers - Best Yoga Shop November 25, 2020 at 4:02 pm

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