Amazing Benefits of Hollow Foam Rollers

A foam roller can be an amazing workout recovery tool. The best foam roller can help smooth out the tension and kinks that build up from daily stresses, such as sitting most of the day while working. And if you’ve been working out at home, a foam roller might be the closest option you have to a massage until your local spas reopen.


By using your own body weight and a cylindrical foam roller you can perform a self-massage or myofascial release, break up trigger points, and soothe tight fascia while increasing blood flow and circulation to the soft tissues.


We at Bestyogashop always want to offer the best possible suggestions. the benefits of foam rolling may vary from person to person.


Increased blood flow

Muscles stretch and loosen during foam rolling exercises. The applied force will squeeze the blood out of the muscles while being replaced by a flood of fresh blood which carries more vital nutrients such as oxygen and glycogen.


Improved mobility and flexibility

Better hydrated and looser muscles move past one another with less friction. During a workout, movements are smoother and muscles are less likely to be pulled or damaged.


Easing Muscle Pain

Foam rolling is well known for easing muscle soreness and reducing inflammation. A study of eight participants showed that foam rolling after physical activity reduced delayed-onset muscle soreness.


Relieve back pain

It’s important to take care when using a foam roller on the back, however. It’s easy to strain or injure your back further.


To use your foam roller for lower back pain, turn your foam roller so it’s vertical (in-line with your spine) and slowly roll the roller from side to side, still in line with your spine. Do this as opposed to keeping it horizontal, which can cause you to arch and strain your back.


You can also try lying on a foam massage ball or a tennis ball to work out knots in the back.

Foam rolling before exercise may well improve short-term flexibility

Many studies have explored the effect foam rolling has on short-term flexibility, concluding that foam rolling before a workout will increase the ROM at the joint the muscle crosses (e.g. foam rolling down the thigh muscles increase ROM at the knee). This suggests that using a foam roller as part of a warm-up routine could be beneficial.


Foam rolling after exercise can help reduce DOMS

All of the studies exploring whether foam rolling after exercise reduces the symptoms of delayed-onset-muscle-soreness (DOMS) have concluded that it does. It has been suggested that 20 minutes of foam rolling at the hips and legs for the three days following a leg training session may decrease DOMS pain. An acute 10-minute foam roll may immediately reduce DOMS pain for up to 30 minutes.


Foam Roller Exercise for Glutes and Hamstrings

To work your glutes (butt) and hamstrings (back of the thighs) start by sitting on the roller with the soft, meaty part of your buttock directly on top of the roller. Begin slowly rolling back and forth and slightly side to side to release any tight spots in the muscle.

Slowly roll down your leg toward your knee and work the hamstrings in the same way. Change your position from side to side to work the entire muscle. Slowly roll from the buttock down to the knee pausing on any tight or sore spots.


Increase or decrease pressure by using one or both legs at a time. Roll with your feet turned in and out to cover the entire muscle group.


Foam Roller Exercise for the Quadriceps

Releasing your quadriceps (quads) is one of the easiest foam roller exercises. Simply lay on top of the roller using your hands for balance and work the front of the thigh from the hip down to the knee.


Important – please note the following when using a foam roller:

  • It is important to relax into these exercises, with slow and deliberate movements.
  • There is no set time or rep range with foam rolling; the goal is to release the tight muscle, increase flexibility, and promote muscle and joint health.
  • Some areas can be extremely painful when initially targeting. Stick with it, as after a few sessions the discomfort will reduce and the benefits will increase.

If you are unsure about any of the techniques or find them too painful, then seek the advice and assistance of a professional.

Read More: 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Yoga

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